Sunday, January 31, 2010

updating pictures!

Been meaning to get some updated pictures on here! I cant believe today is the last day of the month and that it's already February 2010! It's been a long January, and a long past few days! This is by far the realest winter I've had in Arkansas - lots of ice topped with just enough snow to look pretty! Thankfully the sun is coming out today because other than an attempt to drive and see friends yesterday (which was nearly successful until we got off the main roads!), howie and I have been stuck at home for the past few days. Howie LOVES this weather. He asks to go out to play at least once an hour, if not more, and I normally have to force him to come back inside because he wants to stay out and explore forever. [in fact, we just had another one of these episodes! and he's waiting by the door again saying please let's go back out and explore!!!] anyway, so here's a few new pictures (if Howie will stop walking across my arms to prevent me from using my computer!)

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